The New Moon in Scorpio, marks the beginning of a new passionate, resourceful, focused, probing, deep and perceptive cycle
Money will be a strong focus of this new moon as many are feeling the pinch of a sluggish economy. Hang in there, I am excited to say, Saturn will be turning direct on the 15th of November improving this situation considerably.
Saturn has been in retrograde most of the summer, up until now slowing us down to re-do, learn or be more disciplined about something related to our careers or long term security. Saturn knows, by slowing us down, we will buckle down and do what we need to do to get where we need to get. Saturn is a good father and disciplinarian who doesn’t mind if we don’t like him. He knows what we need, he knows it’s for our best even if we can’t see it.
New moon scorpio.
A sprout blows in the quivering wind.
During this new moon in Scorpio, we are going to release major old toxic patterns or burdens and be free of some long karmic debris. Scorpio is ruled by Mars and Pluto, which oppose each other at the time of this new moon. This is definitely extremely intense and could really trigger us in some deep ways that cause a final clearing, or healing of this wound.
Pluto is at the last degrees of Capricorn and about to move into Aquarius, never to return to that Capricorn part of our charts again in our lives. Therefore, Pluto and Mars are making extra sure we have transformed this deep wound and ready to be reborn. This major fear or trigger may show up again but for the last time. This time we will brush off and carry on with our day paying no heed or care. That is transformation.
This auspicious new moon is in the part of the sky that is symbolized by “ a shoot or sprout blowing in the wind”. It represents the cutting edge of independence, and the ability to break free from constraints. After the hard work we have done in the last 18 years with Pluto in Capricorn, we are not afraid anymore of something that we used to be. We have leveled up and cleared a lower density energy that was blocking our abundance in some way. This lower density energy, now cleared from our psyche body causes a sudden bounce up in our finances and quality of life. We are now able to boldly step forward onto a new, higher, more abundant path, with confidence, trust and devotion to living again. We are reborn.
VIRGO New Moon 9/2/24
I am excited to talk about this new moon as there is something very magically divine and spiritual about this lunation in the material, earth sign of Virgo on September 2nd.
On the 18th we will be having a full moon lunar eclipse in the sign of Pisces. The nodes will be shifting into the Pisces and Virgo polarity in January 2025 which will set off the next set of eclipses in these houses of our birth charts. This new moon at 11 degrees Vigo is the initial seed and new beginnings or endings these next set of eclipses are going to bring and is where we will experience a quantum shift in our lives.
The Virgo Pisces polarity is, Pisces, the astral plane of quantum possibilities and is connected to the higher dimension, closest to Source and its wisdom, opposite Virgo, the material, practical or third dimensional plain, which is furthest from Source. In these next sets of eclipses, we will find ourselves and our lives being changed in ways our limited thinking was not capable of perceiving. By receiving downloads, visions, or through our imagination or by connecting with our guides and intuition, these eclipse will prompt us to start pure, auspicious new practical means and ways of living that will be the seedings of the new earth.
This new earth, that is currently being born through us, is nothing like the world of our past and is the birth of the next golden era. We are being called to open our minds up to the quantum field of all possibilities through connection to higher guidance to ground practical and helpful solutions that are of high service to our fellow man. It is through the Virgo/Pisces access of our birth charts that we will be the link between the material and spiritual worlds and where we will be a part of grounding heaven on earth,
Aquarius Full Moon 8/19/24
Hi Everyone,
This full moon in Aquarius, the air sign of independence and freedom brings a revolutionary shake up in whatever house Aquarius covers in our birth charts. This full moon squares Uranus, which rules Aquarius and is the planet of shocking surprises, breakthroughs, liberation, independence and revolution. So, hold on.
Uranus is a slow moving planet and is still near Algol, that violent star of losing one’s heads I spoke about a few emails ago. This full moon squares Algol and Uranus. In astrology, a square is an aspect that occurs when two planets are 90 degrees apart from each other. This aspect is said to represent tension, challenges, disruptions and obstacles. Full moons are culmination points and hold a lot of energy. Full moons are often emotionally very volatile times so watch out this week and stay low key. I wouldn’t go out and certainly try not to get into any argument as in these energies things could get out of hand.
This full moon has a very electrical energy with Jupiter and Mars also in an air sign, the air sign of Gemini, I mean holy smokes. Instead of going into more detail about this, I think it’s more helpful to advise the best ways through.
All the usual ways of grounding and earthing, staying calm, walking in nature etc, ( I know most of you know how to ground). But the most important thing is to take time to yourself and connect with your guides, or go deep into contemplation and reflection on how to become more consciously evolved, or how to grow more spiritually. Take time alone to tap into your psychic intuition and listen to the messages waiting in the silence for you. The more spiritual we are through these times the better the outcome as we are shifting into the more spiritual era of Aquarius.
The old ways and solutions don’t work anymore. We are leaving the dark era, which was more material and entering a golden era, which is more spiritual. So, now more than ever we need spiritual assistance and guidance. We need spiritual assistance to help us through the shift between these two vastly different eras and to show us the new ways forward in these rapidly changing times.
For more on this full moon check out the video link below on a report for all 12 signs with Amalia and her flower oracle cards.
God bless ox
We have a few significant transits to talk about this week. I’ll try to keep it simple. Venus square Uranus, a new moon in Leo, Mars conjunct Jupiter square Uranus and Mercury retrograde in Leo. These energies are sure to inspire us with new ideas, ways and strategies to win over a long term struggle.
Today and tomorrow, we have Venus square Uranus which activates more shocking and surprising breakthroughs liberating us from stuck situations in all things Venus. (Venus represents love, money, relationships, pleasure, the arts, what makes us happy, etc). This transit further activates the Mars Uranus conjunction that happened two weeks ago. With Chiron in retrograde at the end degrees of Aries, we may get triggered which could be what spurs this surprising Venus Uranus reaction causing these sudden changes. Hopefully, this time, a more healed reaction than usual. Mercury in retrograde will also return back to that same degree point next week bringing more surprising information in relation to these Uranus conjunctions. It’s not over yet.
On Sunday the 4th of August, we have a joyful new moon in Leo at 12 degrees. This new moon births inspired and creative new beginnings or fun projects, entrepreneurial endeavors and perhaps pregnancies. We will have to put our pride or ego aside in some way for this to happen but it is a wonderful time for fun and social activities, making new friends and having a good time. Leo is the energy of Apollo, one of the Olympian deities and is recognized as a god of archery, music and dance, truth and prophecy, healing and diseases, the Sun and light, poetry). Enjoy more on this new moon for all 12 signs in the video link below.
Also building all week, we have Mars and Jupiter coming together in the sign of Gemini square Saturn Rx in Pisces. Mars Jupiter together make quite an active adventurous pair with a go get em energy. However with a Saturn square, the reins might get pulled in with father Saturn saying hold on Cowboys not so fast. It’s as though the universe is giving us positive expansive energy but controlling us at the same time making sure we do things right for the long term. This could prove to be a tough or hard transit and it does connect with the great Saturn Jupiter conjunction of 2020, where we started our Aquarian independent missions. We can get through this as long as we follow Saturn’s rules of universal cosmic and spiritual laws. I will be going on live on my Youtube channel this week with more about this transit.
Second Full Moon Capricorn 7/21/24
I hope you all made it through that major Mars and Uranus conjunct. This week we have a second full moon in the sign of Capricorn at the 29th anaretic degree conjunct Pluto. The 29 degree is the last degree of a sign before it shifts into the next sign which signifies Karmic completion and end of a major cycle from possibly even our last lives. With Pluto in the mix it promises to be an intense experience that brings major transformation and rebirth.
This full moon also trine’s Mars at zero degrees in Gemini which inspires us to get through these endings and to boldly take steps towards an uncharted path. Wherever Capricorn falls in our birth chart is an area in our lives we have struggled and perhaps given up or surrendered. However, this full moon will show us that we have not failed at all, quite the opposite, in fact we have become masters and we now qualify for a new upgraded more in faith approach to this area in our lives.
Pluto which is currently in retrograde at zero degrees Aquarius, that same place in the sky of the great Jupiter and Saturn conjunction of December 21 2020. With this full moon, we now jump in full throttle fearlessly, into something that was planned for us by the great 2020 conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, which is our calling and careers coming together.
Now that our vibrations have raised since clearing this Karmic pattern, we can now see the full potential of who and what we can be if we aren’t afraid and holding ourselves back. This is total and utter death and rebirth transforming us into our fully empowered selves that we are here to experience. It is from this purified and cleared place we can now manifest our highest best destiny. We won’t be able to recognize ourselves after this full moon, we are more mature and capable of making something great happen in our lives.
Adding that Mercury squares Uranus at that same degree of the Uranus and Mars conjunction so more potentially disruptive occurrences could show in relation to that transit. That transit will be reignited on this full moon so if it has an impact on your personal birth chart take it easy and go slow on the 21st.
I was able to figure out how to do time stamps so enjoy the video below for all 12 signs with the time stamps. YAY! Also I am coming on live weekly on Wednesday evenings on my you tube channel so do join in for weekly astro updates and ask questions etc. Also follow me on instagram I have a new account madelaineparker11.
Have a blessed and safe full moon week. God bless OX
Shake ups and Surprises this week 7/10/24
Hope you all had a wonderful week enjoying those trines and sextile ease of flow. I certainly did, I was either doing readings or out in the water paddle boarding, the things that truly make me happy the most.
This week the story is quite different. We have a week of surprising shake ups, upheavals or sudden endings or releasing of situations. It is the powerful conjunction of Mars and Uranus at 26th degrees of Taurus on the star of Algol. This transit is building all week but happens exactly on July 15th. Algol is the dark star with a mythological story involving the cutting off of heads. So this conjunction is potentially violent at its worst and decisive endings at its best. Many will lose their heads and so it is best to avoid situations that could get volatile.
It can also pertain to accidents and health or financial crises or conflicts. I never like to scare anyone or create fear messages, this is just a warning to pay close attention and to be aware especially while driving or flying, which my teacher Triffon advises us not to do on the 14th or 15th. There could also be an earthquake or volcanic action so take measures to store up on needed supplies in case that happens. Nothing could happen at all and we, astrologers, could be being over zealous but it’s no loss to be prepared and cautious.
As assertive Mars approaches Uranus, the planet of sudden change and breakthroughs causing liberation, a dam or blockage breaks open in our lives in the house that Taurus covers in our birth charts. This transit involves Mars, the ruler of that last eclipse so whatever happens is most likely in relation to the changes that eclipse is causing. Again, it depends on our own personal birth chart how and where this will play out but we will all see these happenings in the world at large as well or in the lives of others around us.
The good in all of this is that Jupiter trines and sextiles the nodes causing an easy open and safe way through. In other words we will be alright. Most of us are going to be making sudden changes that are needed for us to flow into alignment with the new destiny that eclipse created. Venus is the ruler of this transit and is in good dignity and in newly reborn fresh energy. This will bless us through this transit. The Sun is in the intuitive sign of Cancer and makes a wide trine to Mars and Uranus in the intuitive feminine energies of Taurus telling us, the more we are connected to our intuition, our guides and our instincts, the better this plays out. We are not supposed to be afraid, we are supposed to be prepared and ready to embrace the changes that need to happen. We are here to flow and bend with the energies of the universe that must play out for harmony and balance to continue to occur in our lives and in our world.
Stay safe <3
Namaste and have a blessed week. Lots of love
It’s a love life and flow week 7/2/24
Hope you are all enjoying this fabulous astrological weather of positive flow. This week we have amazing trines and sextiles going on with Jupiter trine the nodes and Venus trine Saturn, Mars with a sextile to Venus. These are energies to enjoy as much as possible. Let’s say, we are flowing and enjoying love, friendships and life in ways that make us truly happy. And without much effort on our parts, it’s flowing, it’s just happening. Meanwhile, Jupiter is quietly squaring the nodes in the background, subtly tilting our destiny and permanently changing our lives, without our resistance.
However today and tomorrow, we do, perhaps, have a challenging aspect of mercury opposing Pluto at that zero degree point in Aquarius where Jupiter and Saturn conjoined on December 21 2020. This reveals secrets or hidden information that surprises us, (Neptune sextile Uranus). Also, Neptune and Saturn just turned retrograde in the sign of Pisces. Neptune turning retrograde pulls off the veils of illusions or ends an idealistic view we’ve had. We now see something for what it really is, with a much clearer or realistic perspective. Saturn turning retrograde is showing us where we have neglected self responsibilities or where we need to be more mature, disciplined and practical. These two planets in retrograde with Mercury opposing Pluto brings information revealing truths that break the veils of illusion, showing us how immature or impractical we have been. We are growing up together as a collective, we are growing up spiritually and Saturn retrograde means to make sure we do. 😀
I have really been enjoying all the readings I have been doing lately. I am so honored to be your reader, thank you. Have a wonderful 4th of July.
Namaste Lots of Love <3
14:23 Degrees Cancer new moon 7/5/24
Hi Everyone,
What a week we just had. I hope you all made it through ok. These cardinal lunation’s sure like to cause change in jolting and disruptive ways. My Facebook pages and my instagram accounts both private and public were deleted and I have no idea why. What I can tell you is, the Aries eclipse we just had in April squared my mercury, which is social media and communications, and squares are endings. I have been wondering how that was going to play out. And just the other day, I was thinking to myself, I know something has to happen, it’s got too. Well today it did. Right in between these cardinal lunation’s that are further progressing the shifts of the eclipse, my social media accounts are suddenly erased and that is exactly an eclipse squaring mercury.
If you recall, on the Aries eclipse report I did with Amalia I mentioned that we would not see the elliptical changes at that time as Mars the ruler of that eclipse was conjunct Saturn. (Saturn causes delays and setbacks). Well, this new moon in Cancer on July 5th has Mars fully out of combustion with a sextile to Saturn. Sextiles are easy effortless flows and Mars is action. On July 5th something now goes forward with effortless ease and flow that we are completely ready for. Something that initiates a new thirty year chapter in our lives. Most likely in the form of a new family or home.
The April 8th eclipse was a cardinal eclipse which means, it squared Capricorn and Cancer and opposed Libra, which is why those signs will experience these major life changes the most. It might be hard to see the way through the rubbles of what is ending, right now but this new moon in Cancer is a great day to begin again. With Saturn in retrograde at the time of this new moon, it is most likely a redo of something back from the past that we had too much Karma to clear first. With two Capricorn full moons this year we are doubling down and clearing major karmic knots, digging and pulling it out by the roots for good. You know that’s always going to be messy.
Namaste God bless <3
Hi Everyone,
It is a pleasure to check in with you all at such an astrologically important time, the Summer Solstice. We are halfway through the year when the sun is at its highest point in the sky. On Winter Solstice the sun is at its lowest point, and is Capricorn season and Capricorn is the Goat. The goat climbs a mountain in a steadfast way until it reaches its peak. When the Sun is reborn in Capricorn season at the Winter Solstice we, together with the sun begin a new journey to ascend new heights.
When the sun reaches the height of its annual ascent, it has been in yang energy, (which is action outward energy) and as it begins its descent it shifts to yin. This year, at Summer Solstice the sun hits its peak in yang and shifts to yin, at exactly the same time as this yin, receptive earth cardinal full moon in Capricorn. Cardinal lunation’s cause seasonal type shifts and turning points in our lives, especially stronger felt for those that have cardinal dominate charts, like myself. This is a fruitful full moon where many of us will reach new heights or achievements in the Capricorn area of our birth charts. It brings a culmination of an ascent we initiated on a new moon in Capricorn either this year or a previous one.
The top of the mountain is spiritual, it’s enlightenment, it’s closer to the the light and our creator. Despite this being a material earth and tangible receiving full moon, Saturn is the ruler and is our true and best spiritual teacher. It is what we have learned spiritually on this ascent that is bringing us to these new heights and achievements. The goat felt it was unattainable at one point, gave up but kept going. The goat focused on each step not looking up now reaches the end of a path and sees how high it has come. The goat knows, it couldn’t have done it by its self and learns there was divine and universal assistance.
May you all have a blessed and fruitful full Summer Solstice.
I will be at Inquire WithIn Sandpoint on Saturday the 22nd of June from 10am to 5pm for the Solstice Spiritual fair. Check out the flyer below.
We have some wonderful things happening this week up in the sky. During the last eclipse, Mars, its ruler was conjunct Saturn delaying the shifts the eclipse was triggering in our lives. This week, Rahu, which is in the sign of Aries, (hence these series of eclipses being in the Aries, Libra access), conjoins Rahu, near the same degree point of the Aries eclipse on April 8th.
During the eclipse itself, we may have experienced the radical endings of something in whatever area Aries covers in our chart. This week, we now see, in the material realm of Taurus, the radical new beginnings that these eclipses created space for. Mars, Rahu is, go for it, boots on the ground and make traction. This is the energy it takes to initiate these long term major new timelines and this Mars, Rahu conjunction gives us the fire passionate energy to get it going and do whatever it takes.
We also have Venus conjunct Uranus at the same time as the Sun and Jupiter conjoin. This is all happening in the Taurus area of our birth charts. Uranus is sudden unexpected surprises, Venus is romance and money and pleasure, Jupiter is abundance through faith and the Sun is the most powerful life giving planet, all piled up on top of each other, in the sky. This is some intense energy all focused in a five degree range of our birth charts. We may not see it yet, but many of us will look back at this time and say, wow, I had no idea how much my life was about to change.
These solar transits are shooting an abundance of new fertile opportunities and new relationships or relationships suddenly committing. These are good times and we are bearing the fruits of a past struggle. We have a lot of planets in the abundant sign of Taurus, who’s abundance is created by hard labor and discipline and from not giving up. It feels great because we see progress and it revives our hope and enthusiasm for living again or for trying again.
Namaste 🙂